WYC Council

WYC’s Council is a distinguished group of trusted individuals who provide invaluable strategic guidance, raise awareness, and cultivate meaningful partnerships to advance the mission. Their diverse expertise and influence enable them to amplify our message. Through their dedication, the Council plays a critical role in ensuring that WYC continues to grow and make a positive, lasting difference in the lives of young people worldwide.

Isabelle Bridges
Empowerment Coach, Best-Selling Author, Host of the Mother’s Empowerment Podcast
Mona Dixon
Founder & CEO - Inspired by Mona, BGCA Youth of The Year
John D. Feeley
Executive Director - Center for Media Integrity, fmr U.S. Ambassador to Panama
Monsignor Hilary Franco
Vatican Diplomat, UN Advisor for the Holy See, Author
Asha Gupta
Regional President for Asia -Amway
Sanjiv Gupta
fmr Executive with Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, ESPN
Justin Hewett
fmr CEO - Avroy Shlain Cosmetics
Rob Parker
President - Trilith Development
Mark Piccirilli
Founder and President - FirstPic
Wim Selders
fmr CEO - Ortel Corporation, National Trustee - BGCA
Brian Stafford
fmr Director - U.S. Secret Service
Luis Victoriá
fmr Global Executive - Tupperware Brands
Vanessa Victoriá
Member - Forbes Mexico Powerful Women Forum
Chuck Zegelbone
Founder - Concept Marketing Group

Fuel hope for the future of youth

Be a force for positive change


Here are some of the companies we have had the privilege to work with.